English Subject

 Hi :) today's topic is about english! I'll write my experience with this subject and for how long I've been studying it.

I've been studying english since I was 11 years old, I went to a school where I had english classes four days a week, It's funny because nowadays I'm still learning new words! But I really like this language. After 9 years I still have an english subject but this time in university, I'm really happy because in the past years I had forgotten some rules and words but with this class my memory came back. In the class of Miss Pilar we learn a lot, we always have to participate and do exercises to activate our brain, what I love the most are the blogs, every week we have to write about a topic for example, our holidays, favorite music, future jobs and now this one. The blogs for me are the best way to learn because it make you look for synonyms to not repeat a word too much.

Even though I'm very familiar with english and I use it a lot everyday, I commit mistakes like forget a word, a " 's " , write have instead of has, etcetera. As I said in the begining I'm still learning everyday. 

What helped me a lot was reading a book in english, read articles, join diferent comunities around the world and traslating songs. So, I'm doing that again to fresh my memory.

Outside the class, I talk and write in english almost everyday, because I follow a lot of instagram accounts in english, I watch videos in youtube mostly in english, watch movies in the same language and for me the best important thing and the one I love the most, is journaling, when I feel happy, sad, angry or maybe I just had a great day, I write it a notebook that I have, and yes, is in english, because I feel more comfortable expresing my feelings in this way.

That's all for this blog <3 thank you so much for reading <3


  1. You use a lot of English in your every day. That´s great!

  2. ooo having a journal in english is a really good way to improve the language! mine is writing dialogues for comics or simple notes in drawings!

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Oh! How incredible all the time you have had English classes

  5. The journal idea is really awesome, i think that i will try with that too.

  6. Is great how you involve English in your daily life! The idea about having a journal is nice :o

  7. i have never read in English! congrats i think thats hard


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