
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020

English Subject

 Hi :) today's topic is about english! I'll write my experience with this subject and for how long I've been studying it. I've been studying english since I was 11 years old, I went to a school where I had english classes four days a week, It's funny because nowadays I'm still learning new words! But I really like this language. After 9 years I still have an english subject but this time in university, I'm really happy because in the past years I had forgotten some rules and words but with this class my memory came back. In the class of Miss Pilar we learn a lot, we always have to participate and do exercises to activate our brain, what I love the most are the blogs, every week we have to write about a topic for example, our holidays, favorite music, future jobs and now this one. The blogs for me are the best way to learn because it make you look for synonyms to not repeat a word too much. Even though I'm very familiar with english and I use it a lot eve

My favorite music

 Hello! in today's post I'm writing about my favorite music, so I wrote five questions that I'll try to answer the best I can. 1- What genre I like the most 2- My favorite group/singer 3- The time I spend listening to music 4- My favorites albums 5- A song that I have stuck in my head at the moment Sincerely I don't have a favorite genre because I like almost every song. My playlist It's a mix of rap, rock, pop, sad songs, 80's, 90's, kpop, metal, indie, reggaeton, disney music and classical music. I have a very wide taste so I'm always looking for new music and I really love when people recommend me songs :) I like a lot of singers, Dj's and groups, the one's that I love are: Linkin Park, Imagine Dragons, The Neighbourhood, SuperM, Slipknot, David Guetta, Sam Smith, Exo and Arctic Monkeys. There are other artist that I really like but I'm always changing, for example, last moth I was listening the newest Little Mix album on repeat, right now

Changes to my study programme

 Hello everyone <3 , In today's topic I'll tell you what I would change or add to the study programme that we have in the faculty. I thought this based on my experience in first year, in my first workshop I had to do 50 croquis every week to have a better fluidity in my hand, but the thing is that the professor wanted us to have an amazing drawing and at the same time a "weird" drawing (weird in the meaning of abstract) so we didn't really understand their point. Because of that, I'd like to add a drawing subject specifically for croquis, even though everyone has their own style I think having a base would be very helpful. I would do this subject just once a week and only the first semester. 3D programms at least for me are really important too, for example because of this pandemic most of us had to learn how to use Sketchup or Autocad, some learnt faster than others but I think that having a subject related to 3D would help a lot of students in their first

Postgraduate Studies

 Hi, today the topic it's about studies so I will talk a little bit of my life. (I'ts going to be a long introduction to give you the context, I'm sorry >.<) Because I had a pretty nomadic life and I've been in at least 10 different schools I would like to go abroad to learn languages for my carreer, I'll explain why: I was born in Antofagasta, I was raised there my first 8 years so I went to the same school, nothing special. At the end of 2008 I moved to Santiago with my mom, I got into a new school and I stayed there 1 year, then time passed and I moved into another school since we were moving from Ñuñoa to La Reina, another year passed and I went back to Antofagasta to live with my father, this time I stayed 2 years with in a school called "Inglés Alemán" as the name said I was taught english and German. Even tho I don't remember that much of German, I do have a good base. What I wrote in the last paragraph were my first 12 years of life, now