Changes to my study programme

 Hello everyone <3 , In today's topic I'll tell you what I would change or add to the study programme that we have in the faculty.

I thought this based on my experience in first year, in my first workshop I had to do 50 croquis every week to have a better fluidity in my hand, but the thing is that the professor wanted us to have an amazing drawing and at the same time a "weird" drawing (weird in the meaning of abstract) so we didn't really understand their point. Because of that, I'd like to add a drawing subject specifically for croquis, even though everyone has their own style I think having a base would be very helpful. I would do this subject just once a week and only the first semester.

3D programms at least for me are really important too, for example because of this pandemic most of us had to learn how to use Sketchup or Autocad, some learnt faster than others but I think that having a subject related to 3D would help a lot of students in their first year. I know that we have a subject like this later but for me earlier is better.

I love the faculty, but sometimes we need more space in the classrooms and even outside at the workshop zone. One day with my partner we had a very big model and we needed to work outside to use some tools but all tables were occupied by other people so we had to use the floor. 

Workload is the topic that has me worried this days, workshop it's a very hard subject because it takes you a lot of time, we can be working from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm without stop and realize that we have only 2% of the proyect done, even worst when is correction time and the professor tells you to try something different (that means, do it again). Plus the other subjects that we have.

Most of us only sleep three hours, but since we are accustomed to it, we don't mind anymore (wow that sounded so death inside haha). I think that is not okay. When people call us lazy is kind of anoying because they do not understand what the person is going throught, I do not know how to explain it better but we do work a lot, personally right now I haven't spent time with my family, even though we are living in the same house.

I haven't met bad teachers yet so I wouldn't change anything, since everyone has different methods to teach. No complains for now.

I want to send all my love to every person that is having a tough time right now:( <3


  1. How cool it would be have a croquis class in our first year, nice blog

  2. It would be really nice to have a sketch class to learn how to express ourselves in a drawing

  3. Yess I´m agree with you sometimes we need more space to work

  4. Need to work and don`t have any space in the campus is so awful as common:(

  5. Ooh, I really like the idea of drawing subject, it would be great!

  6. i agree with you in the workload, our group proyect keeps changing after every class of workshop unu


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